We all love getting something for FREE!
Here are a few freebies for you to assist you on your healing journey

Reboot Your Base Chakra Free Gift Pack
Download your pack to use at home anytime. It contains an e-book, Base Chakra Evaluation, a Grounding Meditation and a Moving Meditation created by the founder of Chakradance, Natalie Southgate.
This is a great pre-course to the Ground & Connect Live Workshop.

Chakra Health Check
Everyone has chakras. You might know a little, or a lot, about chakras. Either way, it can be challenging to know how well our own chakras are functioning.
This ‘Chakra Health Check’ helps you can gain some insight into the state of your own chakras. It also offers some tips and simple guidance as to how you can specifically balance each chakra.

Full Moon Dancing Prayer
Create a Sacred Healing Space under the Light of the Full Moon and weave a Healing Light in Circle with other Souls who have gathered with you.